“Awareness precedes choice which precedes change.”

Robin Sharma






Here you will find details on the assessment tools used in all of my leadership coaching programs. They are carefully selected, highly respected and require an extensive educational effort to gain certification in their use.


The Leadership Circle™

The people at the Leadership Circle say it best when describing their powerful leadership tools:

 “The field of leadership development is a fragmented collection of theories and practices. The Leadership Circle has taken the best of what has been learned over the last half century and woven it into the first Unified Theory of Leadership Development to arise in the field. Based on this unique framework, we offer a complete and integrated System of Leadership Development.”

The three primary tools offered by the Leadership Circle, and used alone or in concert with each other, include:

The Leadership Circle™ Profile offers a comprehensive, actionable profile of leadership skills .  It also employs the most humane and useful 360 tool we have ever worked with and which was the subject of a recent blog.)  In short The Leadership Circle Profile is designed to accelerate leadership effectiveness beyond traditional competency-based approaches.

The Collective Leadership Assessment:  helps uncover the ‘gap’ between the existing leadership culture, and the desired leadership culture. It also reveals key opportunities for leadership excellence.

The Leadership System is a multi-component, whole system approach to building leadership excellence from the inside out. It includes a combination of Leadership Circle assessments, workshops, developmental surveys and cohort groups that exploring hard-hitting leadership topics,

These tools are used extensively in The Right Reflection’s Leadership Excellence programs.


Immunity to Change Map

Immunity to Change is based on a Harvard study conducted Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey. Through the use of a Immunity Map  we discover  how our beliefs and behaviors work in complete opposition to achieving what we want. The Immunity Map helps create a solid, reasonable path to overcome self-defeating beliefs and unlocks our potential so we can move forward. Immunity Maps can also be created by and for teams, providing a view of collective obstacles and an opportunity to work through them and achieve their goals.


The Emergenetics Profile is designed from a psychometric foundation to give each of us an in-depth knowledge of our unique make-up, and provides an understanding of the person that we are. It helps us see ourselves more clearly and reveals a strengths-based foundation on which to build our job satisfaction and overall life endeavors.


VIA Survey (Values in Action)

The VIA Survey of Character Strengths is a self-assessment that provides a wealth of information to help you understand your core characteristics. Most personality tests focus on negative and neutral traits, but the VIA Survey focuses on your best qualities. It is regarded as a central tool of positive psychology and has been used in hundreds of research studies and taken by over 5 million people in over 190 countries resulting in better workplaces and better lives the world over.


The Change Style Indicator

The Change Style Indicator is a leadership assessment tool designed to measure an individual’s preferred style in approaching and addressing change. It provides leaders of all levels with insights on personal preferences for managing through change and provides context for how those around them might perceive and respond to their preferred style.

Change Style Indicator

Change Navigator

Change Navigator was developed for change leaders. It takes participants on a journey through the stages of transition that are common to periods of change and helps people to understand and navigate them. It focuses on the emotions of individuals as they navigate change and the predictable stages of transition. The assessment measures where individuals will fall in the four stages of transition for a specific change event:

  • Acknowledging
  • Reacting
  • Investigating
  • Implementing

Change Navigator

“Awareness precedes choice which precedes change.”

Robin Sharma




Here you will find details on the assessment tools used in all of my leadership coaching programs. They are carefully selected, highly respected and require an extensive educational effort to gain certification in their use. 


The Leadership Circle™

The people at the Leadership Circle say it best when describing their powerful leadership tools:

 “The field of leadership development is a fragmented collection of theories and practices. The Leadership Circle has taken the best of what has been learned over the last half century and woven it into the first Unified Theory of Leadership Development to arise in the field. Based on this unique framework, we offer a complete and integrated System of Leadership Development.”

The three primary tools offered by the Leadership Circle, and used alone or in concert with each other, include:

The Leadership Circle™ Profile offers a comprehensive, actionable profile of leadership skills .  It also employs the most humane and useful 360 tool we have ever worked with and which was the subject of a recent blog.)  In short The Leadership Circle Profile is designed to accelerate leadership effectiveness beyond traditional competency-based approaches.

The Collective Leadership Assessment:  helps uncover the ‘gap’ between the existing leadership culture, and the desired leadership culture. It also reveals key opportunities for leadership excellence.

The Leadership System is a multi-component, whole system approach to building leadership excellence from the inside out. It includes a combination of Leadership Circle assessments, workshops, developmental surveys and cohort groups that exploring hard-hitting leadership topics,

These tools are used extensively in The Right Reflection’s Leadership Excellence programs.


Immunity to Change Map

Immunity to Change is based on a Harvard study conducted Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey. Through the use of a Immunity Map  we discover  how our beliefs and behaviors work in complete opposition to achieving what we want. The Immunity Map helps create a solid, reasonable path to overcome self-defeating beliefs and unlocks our potential so we can move forward. Immunity Maps can also be created by and for teams, providing a view of collective obstacles and an opportunity to work through them and achieve their goals.



The Emergenetics Profile is designed from a psychometric foundation to give each of us an in-depth knowledge of our unique make-up, and provides an understanding of the person that we are. It helps us see ourselves more clearly and reveals a strengths-based foundation on which to build our job satisfaction and overall life endeavors.


VIA Survey (Values in Action)

The VIA Survey of Character Strengths is a self-assessment that provides a wealth of information to help you understand your core characteristics. Most personality tests focus on negative and neutral traits, but the VIA Survey focuses on your best qualities. It is regarded as a central tool of positive psychology and has been used in hundreds of research studies and taken by over 5 million people in over 190 countries resulting in better workplaces and better lives the world over.


The Change Style Indicator

The Change Style Indicator is a leadership assessment tool designed to measure an individual’s preferred style in approaching and addressing change. It provides leaders of all levels with insights on personal preferences for managing through change and provides context for how those around them might perceive and respond to their preferred style.

Change Style Indicator

Change Navigator

Change Navigator was developed for change leaders. It takes participants on a journey through the stages of transition that are common to periods of change and helps people to understand and navigate them. It focuses on the emotions of individuals as they navigate change and the predictable stages of transition. The assessment measures where individuals will fall in the four stages of transition for a specific change event:

  • Acknowledging
  • Reacting
  • Investigating
  • Implementing

Change Navigator

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