Leadership Excellence

for Business


Leadership Excellence for Experienced and Aspiring Business Leaders

Tools for transforming individuals and strengthening teams

We are living in a VUCA world (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous). The demands on organizations are ever changing and what used to work can no longer be counted on. These complex times require leadership that can respond to this complexity, is learning agile, and is responsive to today’s changing workforce. The only real differentiator organizations have is the quality of its leaders. Everything flows from that. The most valuable investment an organization can make is in enhancing its leadership excellence. 

We help leaders through individual coaching engagements and our comprehensive Executive Leadership Academy.

Individual Leadership Coaching

Individual coaching can be tailored to the needs of the executive and might include:
  1. High-potential candidates, who are being groomed for leadership positions, can benefit from targeted coaching aimed at leveraging their strengths, filling in any gaps, and helping them learn to scale their leadership.
  2. Strong performers who have reached a plateau in their career and find themselves frustrated can benefit from assistance in re-discovering what they love about the profession and how to re-ignite their passion.
  3. Talented individuals whose behavior is disruptive, troublesome and impacting organizational culture can benefit from an intensive intervention aimed at turning around behavior and turning a liability into an asset.

Leadership Academy

The Leadership Academy begins with a compelling, confidential assessment (Leadership Circle Profile®) that measures leadership competencies and identifies roadblocks to effectiveness. From there, through a combination of workshops and individual coaching spanning several months, each participant creates and launches a personalized and actionable individual leadership development plan.

In addition to the group sessions, the program also includes individual feedback on assessments and individual coaching. Click below to download a detailed description of our program.

“My purpose in writing this note is to enthusiastically endorse Pam Hernandez at Right Reflection’s executive coaching. Timing is everything and I am certain that working with Pam gave me immediate alternatives and strategies to meet the challenges of leadership. Pam is an expert who is well read and able to share from research, literature or real life experiences. If you are ready to really explore your leadership including your work-life balance Pam is the Executive Coach for you.”

Amy Richardson
President and CEO, Women’s Center for Advancement


Recent Blogs on Leadership

Bad Bosses

Bad Bosses

If you don’t see it, it will manage you. If you do see it, you can manage it. I read a statistic recently that most people will have a bad boss for...

The Invisibility of Whiteness

The Invisibility of Whiteness

Growing up, I always felt I didn’t have a “cool” heritage like other people. Some kids had big extended Italian or Greek or Irish or Polish families...

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10040 Regency Circle, Suite 34
Omaha, NE 68114

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